The rapid advances in LLM technology offer scientists unique opportunities to re-think the feasibility, design and implementation of experimental studies ranging from online experiments to large ambitious randomized control trials. The TDM team has redefined experimental “subjects” exploring strategies for incorporating synthetic persona in the design and execution of experiments.  We are also building LLM models that help craft the treatments that we implement in experiments – our current focus is on the information content of video interventions that are widely used in experimental research.

Diversity is the guiding theme for much of our work: The global south is the context for much of our experimental research – with this in mind we are developing AI-enhanced experimental tools that are built to reflect the cultural diversity of global south contexts. More generally, we are employing AI to help better characterize the heterogeneity of treatment effects for distinct segments of populations; to generalize estimates to a broader population; and to transport findings to different contexts.

The Talking to Machines project is developing open-sourced platforms that make these AI innovations widely available to the global research community.