Upcoming Events

Large Language Models @ EPSA Madrid 2025
We are organizing an EPSA Madrid 2025 pre-conference that will assemble researchers working with Large Language Models (LLMs) the focus will be on the application of LLMs to research being conducted in the social sciences. The broad themes that we expect to cover include:
- Data generation: this includes the role of AI agents as subjects in experiments, as enumerators, or as confederates; adaptive experimental design.
- Data collection and curation: examples might include the compilation of historical and contemporary records videos and text.
- Data analysis: text analysis; the analysis of treatment effects associated with text and image vignette; the role of LLMs in the analysis of conversations and open-ended survey responses.
- Design: LLM guidance in the design of experimental protocols and treatment arms.
- Technical advances including the incorporation of non-text data such as images, video and audio; transformer-based models; and DNNs.
- Safety and ethics: the ethical challenges of incorporating LLMs into social science research; efforts to address safety and LLM model development and deployment.
- LLMs, the economy and governance: understanding how the rapid introduction and adoption of LLMs will affect the economy and governance.
We are at an early stage of incorporating LLM applications into our social science research. Hence this European event is a great opportunity to showcase the innovative research that is being conducted by scholars world-wide. We encourage paper proposal submissions that touch on any of these themes. The workshop format offers presenters a unique opportunity to showcase their work and get constructive and thoughtful feedback.
The pre-conference workshop takes place Wednesday June 25th, a day before EPSA Madrid 2025. The workshop will be held in the same venue as EPSA Madrid 2025. We cannot provide travel or accommodation support for participants. For those who are accepted to participate, we will provide a pre-workshop dinner on Tuesday June 24th and breakfast and lunch during the workshop.
Submission application deadline: 28 February 2025.